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Proceeds from our grand Auction of Promises will help pay off some of our loan for our brand new youth and community centre here in the heart of Aldbourne: "Community Junction."
Thank you to everyone who has contributed lots for our auction or made a successful bid for one of the very special items given. We are extremely pleased to announce that the auction made a whopping grand total of £16,000! 20 young people served 86 people at a black tie event. A mammoth task but what a fantastic result!
Thank you for your support. Pop in and browse at The Junction when you are next passing by. You can be assured of a very warm welcome.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed lots for our auction or made a successful bid for one of the very special items given. We are extremely pleased to announce that the auction made a whopping grand total of £16,000! 20 young people served 86 people at a black tie event. A mammoth task but what a fantastic result!
Thank you for your support. Pop in and browse at The Junction when you are next passing by. You can be assured of a very warm welcome.
If you are interested in youth work either paid or voluntary in Ramsbury or Baydon please contact us.
Ramsbury Skate Park Group

We are a group of young people from around Ramsbury fundraising
to get a skate park, we are almost there and it would be great if you could show
your support!
We plan our own fundraising events and then join in with the open youth sessions that follow. Please see our Facebook page for more information. CLICK HERE
to get a skate park, we are almost there and it would be great if you could show
your support!
We plan our own fundraising events and then join in with the open youth sessions that follow. Please see our Facebook page for more information. CLICK HERE
Youth Action Wiltshire will be delivering a Wednesday night Youth Café 6-8pm starting 4th May 2016! Free and for ages 13-17. All young people living in or visiting Wiltshire are welcome :-D

Penelope Keith interviews members of Aldbourne Youth Council about their latest project community Junction 17.9.14
Aldbourne Youth Council proudly received "Wiltshire Life Community Group of the Year Award 2015"
If you missed Penelope Keith Hidden Villages, see the edition shown on 25th November CLICK HERE

Aldbourne Chase Farms and friends donate £1755.00 towards developing youth activities at Community Junction!

How proud and excited are we! Our Community Junction project received The Prince of Wales Award of Honour presented by The Duchess of Cornwall.

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The Dreamy Sheep Chocolate enterprise launched their chocolate at the Junction Official Opening on 21st September 2013
The chocolates are hand made in Aldbourne by young people interested in making ideas real. Dreamy Sheep Chocolate Club sessions are currently held on Wednesday evenings at the Community Junction from 6:30pm.
New members 14+ are very welcome - there's something for everyone and ideally we'd like to hold more sessions each week to increase production.
All profits are reinvested in Dreamy Sheep to keep this worthwhile activity going. Want to find out more?
Please contact: Katie Lipscombe and Immy Hale, Dreamy Sheep Chocolate Club c/o Community Junction, 16 The Square, Aldbourne, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 2DU
Or pop in on a Wednesday eve.
What an incredible evening we had on 10th May 2014. 86 guests enjoyed a black tie dinner. Thank you to everyone who helped put the event together or came on the night we raised a whopping £16,000.00 which will go towards repaying our £25,000 Community Junction Loan.

Councillor Jane Scott OBE Leader of Wiltshire Council visited Community Junction in January 2014. Councillor Scott said:
"The Community Junction is one of the best examples of true cross generational community working that I have seen in the county. It shows what can be delivered when a village like Aldbourne gets together with a vision and a determination to deliver that vision. Congratulations to all concerned, I wish every village in Wiltshire had their own version of the ‘Junction’.
Jane Scott OBE
Leader of Wiltshire Council"
"The Community Junction is one of the best examples of true cross generational community working that I have seen in the county. It shows what can be delivered when a village like Aldbourne gets together with a vision and a determination to deliver that vision. Congratulations to all concerned, I wish every village in Wiltshire had their own version of the ‘Junction’.
Jane Scott OBE
Leader of Wiltshire Council"

Aldbourne Youth Council's new Community Junction centre is now a designated venue for young people to take part and complete their Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Support via adult volunteers are available on Thursday evenings. (Volunteering opportunities are available at times to suit young people.) More information about the D of E awards click HERE
Support via adult volunteers are available on Thursday evenings. (Volunteering opportunities are available at times to suit young people.) More information about the D of E awards click HERE
Special thanks to Ceri Hanlon and Peter Ludlow who presented two new benches for all to use at the Junction!

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Aldbourne goes up the Junction raising £220,000 for new youth and community centre (Marlborough News Online 23rd September 2013)
Large turnout opening of Aldbourne community centre for young people Wiltshire Gazette and Herald 26th September 2013
Carol Flinders AYC Chair of Trustees:
"As the Chair of the Aldbourne Youth council, I am so very proud to be part of this wonderful community, where we have listened to voice of the youth and helped them live their dream. It's what the Aldbourne Youth Council is all
about. The Community Junction is a safe place for all to
meet, young and not so young, with mutual respect, where life skills are learned from each other.
"As the Chair of the Aldbourne Youth council, I am so very proud to be part of this wonderful community, where we have listened to voice of the youth and helped them live their dream. It's what the Aldbourne Youth Council is all
about. The Community Junction is a safe place for all to
meet, young and not so young, with mutual respect, where life skills are learned from each other.
Mr Brian Kingham's opening comments 21st September 2013:
"“The opening of The Junction is the culmination of a
long held ambition of a small group of Aldbourne youth enthusiasts led by Hazel Keen and Andy Devey to have a dedicated place for the young people of this and the surrounding villages to meet and take part in an exciting range of activities. I have been delighted to purchase these buildings to enable them to realise this dream. The genius of The Junction is that it offers so much more than just a convivial meeting place; it provides serious practical opportunities to develop new interests and acquire skills.
The sense of idealism that surrounds this project has
been wonderfully infectious. We have been supported by so many residents who have given generously of their time and money to refurbish the buildings and get the project going. We share a vision of the day when many people will
have begun their journey to a successful life in these Downland villages.”
Would you like to join our amazing team of volunteers? We have an on going recruitment campaign as Together Everyone Achieves More. Drop in to find out more and leave your contact details for trustees.

Special thanks to Mr Kingham and Aldbourne Chase Farms Shooting guests who donated £1000.00 to help fund Youth workers at Community Junction! Gamekeeper David Graham presented the cheque on 3rd December 2013
CLICK HERE for the news report by Wiltshire Gazette and Herald
CLICK HERE for the news report by Wiltshire Gazette and Herald

Large turnout opening of Aldbourne Community Centre for young people Wiltshire Gazette and Herald 29th September 2013
Youngsters were out in force on Saturday as the doors to Aldbourne Youth Council’s new home officially opened. Community Junction is a youth and community centre managed by young people and includes facilities such as an after-school café, a youth community room, and a chill-out area where the 13-plus age group can socialise.
Aldbourne Youth Council trustee Hazel Keen said: “There were so many people there, it was lovely. It was more than we expected and we got some really positive responses.”
The youth council bought the semi-derelict building in the centre of the
village in 2011 with the backing of local businessman and estate owner Brian Kingham. It has been working on refurbishing the building since November last year thanks to a number of grants, including £50,000 from the Hill’s Group, and their own fundraising efforts. Ms Keen said: “It was great to have the backing of Mr Kingham because although we had a great idea, without his financial support we wouldn’t have got anywhere with it. “We decided he would be the most appropriate person to open Community Junction because of all the support he has given us, and he cut the ribbon with his youngest son.
“We started the refurbishment in November so it’s been a quick turnaround. “We didn’t get our first big grant until June last year and it’s just snowballed from there.” Although the project will be overseen by adult trustees, young people will help to run a charity shop and a two-bedroom holiday let to raise funds and gain work and life skills.
Ms Keen said: “This would be a great scheme in any community because it’s going to be self-sufficient. “Not only will the holiday let and shop teach the young people how to run a business, they will also provide funding. This means we we don’t have to rely on grants.
“We hope that people from other towns and village will see what has been done here and will be inspired to do something similar, because there isn’t an abundance of grants out there these days and its about time that we learnt to stand on our own feet.”
Aldbourne goes up the Junction raising £220,000 for new youth and community centre (Marlborough News Online) 23rd September 2013
Aldbourne Youth Hub is right on target!

Story by Nigel Kerton, Wiltshire Gazette and Herald published, 21st June 2012; page 2.
A huge debt faced by Aldbourne Youth Council for the refurbishment of its youth hub has been paid off before the builders move in.
With backing of local businessman and estate owner Brian Kingham the youth council paid £300,000 for the semi-derelict building in the centre of the village which will be known as the Community Junction. AYC has a 25-year lease on the building at a peppercorn rent.
Click Here to Read the Full Story! Click Here to Read More About Community Junction!
A huge debt faced by Aldbourne Youth Council for the refurbishment of its youth hub has been paid off before the builders move in.
With backing of local businessman and estate owner Brian Kingham the youth council paid £300,000 for the semi-derelict building in the centre of the village which will be known as the Community Junction. AYC has a 25-year lease on the building at a peppercorn rent.
Click Here to Read the Full Story! Click Here to Read More About Community Junction!
Looking Like A Winning Streak
Read full story here!
Click here for an interview with our volunteers Di and Paul
Our home is yours

Report by Nigel Kerton, Wiltshire Gazette and Herald 27th October 2011
MEMBERS of Aldbourne Youth Council showed off their new £300,000 premises in The Square on Saturday when they held an open house.
The youth council has been able to acquire the group of cottages and shops in the centre of the village thanks to generous sponsorship from local landowner and businessman Brian Kingham.
Mr Kingham has funded the purchase of the building, said AYC adult trustee Andy Devey. “He has put the buildings into a trust for as long as the youth council wants it or until such time as the youth council is no longer.
“The arrangement is that we look after the refurbishment and maintenance,” said Mr Devey, adding that it was estimated it would cost £100,000 to get the buildings into good shape.
AYC has already raised £2,500 which includes a donation for half that amount from the Blue Boar who held an auction and split the proceeds between the youth council and St Michael’s Church.
On Saturday members of AYC asked villagers for ideas of how to raise funds and also for ideas on what to do with the building for the benefit of all ages, not just the village’s young people.
The AYC is for young people aged between eight and 18 but, said Mr Devey, it wants to share the premises with other age groups.
Currently youth council members use the CAN, part of former public conveniences they rent from the parish council, and have created an internet cafe where people of all ages learn how to use computers.
The national award-winning AYC needs somewhere bigger, said Mr Devey.
“We have outgrown the CAN and need more space, especially for the older teen-agers who, dare I say it, are out on the streets.
“While the new building is mainly for youth it will be for the community as whole, we want it to be inter-generational.”
Ideas put forward at Saturday’s open house included moving the village library from its present cramped premises into one of the empty shops; creating a cafe; and possibly using one of the larger rooms for Saturday morning cinema for young people.
Mr Devey said the AYC would be seeking grants and funding and one of the first agencies it would approach was the Marlborough Area Board of Wiltshire Council.
“We want to be in that building and have it in use for all sections of the community as soon as possible,” Mr Devey said.
MEMBERS of Aldbourne Youth Council showed off their new £300,000 premises in The Square on Saturday when they held an open house.
The youth council has been able to acquire the group of cottages and shops in the centre of the village thanks to generous sponsorship from local landowner and businessman Brian Kingham.
Mr Kingham has funded the purchase of the building, said AYC adult trustee Andy Devey. “He has put the buildings into a trust for as long as the youth council wants it or until such time as the youth council is no longer.
“The arrangement is that we look after the refurbishment and maintenance,” said Mr Devey, adding that it was estimated it would cost £100,000 to get the buildings into good shape.
AYC has already raised £2,500 which includes a donation for half that amount from the Blue Boar who held an auction and split the proceeds between the youth council and St Michael’s Church.
On Saturday members of AYC asked villagers for ideas of how to raise funds and also for ideas on what to do with the building for the benefit of all ages, not just the village’s young people.
The AYC is for young people aged between eight and 18 but, said Mr Devey, it wants to share the premises with other age groups.
Currently youth council members use the CAN, part of former public conveniences they rent from the parish council, and have created an internet cafe where people of all ages learn how to use computers.
The national award-winning AYC needs somewhere bigger, said Mr Devey.
“We have outgrown the CAN and need more space, especially for the older teen-agers who, dare I say it, are out on the streets.
“While the new building is mainly for youth it will be for the community as whole, we want it to be inter-generational.”
Ideas put forward at Saturday’s open house included moving the village library from its present cramped premises into one of the empty shops; creating a cafe; and possibly using one of the larger rooms for Saturday morning cinema for young people.
Mr Devey said the AYC would be seeking grants and funding and one of the first agencies it would approach was the Marlborough Area Board of Wiltshire Council.
“We want to be in that building and have it in use for all sections of the community as soon as possible,” Mr Devey said.
Here's a list of news articles about us!
Click on the names of the headlines to read the articles!
Click on the names of the headlines to read the articles!
Aldbourne Youth Council Play Day 2012

Click Here for the full Gazette and Herald Story by Nigel Kerton published August 2012 and see our Facebook page for more fantastic photos of the day!
Celebration for Wiltshire Learners

Report by Nigel Kerton for Wiltshire Gazette and Herald 26th May 2011
Gladiator duelling and golf at fun day

Article by Lewis Cowen Wilts Gazette and Herald 4th August 2011
'Another Giant Step at Aldbourne'

Photograph and story by Nigel Kerton Wiltshire Gazette and Herald published 12th May 2011
Click on dark text to take you to the Newspaper website for the full story.
Party twice as nice for Pewsey youth group
5th November 2010 - By Nigel Kerton
Taken from Gazette & Herald
Success at the double in Aldbourne
Newspaper report on this is wiltshire website as printed in the Wiltshire Gazette and Herald 10th December 2010
Aldbourne Youth Council win a second Philip Lawrence Award
Article on the Marlborough People Website 9th December 2010
Aldbourne Youth Council win Philip Lawrence Award
Article on MP Claire Perry Website 7th December 2010
Aldbourne Teen is tops with pensioners
Wiltshire Gazette and Herald Newspaper article 14th November 2010
Aldbourne youngsters go for fun
Newspaper report on Aldbourne Play Day
26th August 2010
Gazette & Herald
Confusion over new Aldbourne website
Report on the confusion between AYC's first temporary site.
18th Match 2010
Gazette & Herald
The Youth of Today- In Aldbourne they’re something to aspire to!
A report from on AYC
28th September 2009
Marlborough People
Aldbourne wins award for its communications
Aldbourne wins Calor Village of the Year largely due to the facilities at the CAN.
28th June 2009
Gazette & Herald
GWR Kids presentation hands out the cash
Aldbourne Youth Council are one of many groups to win awards at GWR kids awards
28th April 2008
Gazette & Herald
MP takes time out for award winning group
MP Michael Ancram visits us to congratulate us for winning awards
1st February 2007
Gazette & Herald
Teens’ true grit wins top award
Report on AYC winning the Philip Lawrence Award for the BMX project.
7th December 2006
Gazette & Herald
Operation BMX - Destination Aldbourne
Councillor Paula Winchcombe, Kennet District Council
On the Right Track
BBC report on Aldbourne BMX
5th November 2010 - By Nigel Kerton
Taken from Gazette & Herald
Success at the double in Aldbourne
Newspaper report on this is wiltshire website as printed in the Wiltshire Gazette and Herald 10th December 2010
Aldbourne Youth Council win a second Philip Lawrence Award
Article on the Marlborough People Website 9th December 2010
Aldbourne Youth Council win Philip Lawrence Award
Article on MP Claire Perry Website 7th December 2010
Aldbourne Teen is tops with pensioners
Wiltshire Gazette and Herald Newspaper article 14th November 2010
Aldbourne youngsters go for fun
Newspaper report on Aldbourne Play Day
26th August 2010
Gazette & Herald
Confusion over new Aldbourne website
Report on the confusion between AYC's first temporary site.
18th Match 2010
Gazette & Herald
The Youth of Today- In Aldbourne they’re something to aspire to!
A report from on AYC
28th September 2009
Marlborough People
Aldbourne wins award for its communications
Aldbourne wins Calor Village of the Year largely due to the facilities at the CAN.
28th June 2009
Gazette & Herald
GWR Kids presentation hands out the cash
Aldbourne Youth Council are one of many groups to win awards at GWR kids awards
28th April 2008
Gazette & Herald
MP takes time out for award winning group
MP Michael Ancram visits us to congratulate us for winning awards
1st February 2007
Gazette & Herald
Teens’ true grit wins top award
Report on AYC winning the Philip Lawrence Award for the BMX project.
7th December 2006
Gazette & Herald
Operation BMX - Destination Aldbourne
Councillor Paula Winchcombe, Kennet District Council
On the Right Track
BBC report on Aldbourne BMX